Felix Makanjuola Jr who trained as a lawyer was called to the English Bar in 2007. He is a man of distinction, someone with a clear sense of purpose and willing to stand in the face of adversity. His anointing is evident and the trademark dynamism associated with him, injects ‘life’ and restoration wherever he goes.

Teacher, worshipper, Felix is an expositor of the Word of God and a teacher with zeal to see God's Word in manifestation. He's delight is to see the eyes of understanding enlightened.

Sharing his Vision, Pastor Felix challenges the Body of Christ to shake off complacency and live as God intended, fruitful and effective.

He believes that it's a grave tragedy for man to have lived without having made an impact before exiting this world.

Felix has also been gifted as an instrument of praise wherein God's presence is built a home.

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